I was traveling with my friends on one of the friend's car when we were stopped by our respectable Traffic Police wardens. He showed everything that was asked; license, car's documents, taxation receipts, birth certificate (lol.. okay not that) . But they were like inquiring about EVERYTHING.
After a care-FREE inspection of whatever we handed, they deduced that we are bound for a challan with a number '33'. This challan is called when THE FELONY IS SUCH WHEN THE VERDICT CANNOT BE DECLARED. A criminal offense worth Rupees 100. lol! :D
That's so cool! - I mean; We can be charged for NOTHINGNESS now.. No matter what you do or do not do; You can possibly not escape from Challan Number 33. This challan has been formulated to be as diverse as the mysteries of the Universe!
- We then dubbed Challan Number 33 as, 'KUCH NAHI CHALLAN'. - Jab aap KUCH nahi kerte hain tu apka yeh Challan katta ha.. :D
Certainly Weird.. but fun nonetheless haha :D
10 years ago