Whilst I was going through old stuff; I found some email transcripts that I generated about some time ago. This included a tutorial, a how-to actually, of a nice finding that I came across at that time.
- The background story is that; I was leaving for studies and needed to deploy a surveillance type camera in my house. There were quiet a few options; and one included a simple IP Camera. But.. the cost of it; took it out. The other was to connect a webcam to the lounge (the target area). But to do that; I needed either a computer in the "lounge" or a very long USB cable. Read below for the solution. Btw: Yess! I am NOT going to create the whole howto again AND yes I AM lazy :P - So, find below, some emails. :D
Email 1 - Subject: "USB cable EXTENDED."
Used a small Cat5e and chose random a pair of wires AND vola! It worked! :D
- btw: One thing is worth mentioning here.. that at this distance; USB's operation remained at 2.0.
And another thing worth mentioning is; USB is "designed" to operate a VERY short distance. By connecting a USB hub or two, you can take it to 5m through a USB extension cable. By connecting a few USB extensions and Hubs in series you CAN go a Maximum of 30m; THEORATICALLY. Thus the need for a better carrier medium! (6) Cat5e to the rescue! :D or if you may prefer 30m with all those hubs lol!
Alternatively; You can opt for a repeater unit for USB. It won't take it to 30m but again.. connect a few in series! lol! - Khair; The point IS. This IS the perfect solution for extending your USB cables. :D OR You can work yourself with the marvels of LAN cable and go 50m with just the wire! :D - No repeater, No hubs! :D
Why am I telling you all this ? Remote surveillance's; Up next! :D
Please find attached some pictures and a video. :D
Syed Tauseen Tariq Ali.
Email 2 - Subject: "Going further! :D"
Yaaeekks! -
Now; I wanted it BIG.. Not just THAT small extension. I hooked up, again chosing random pairs, but this time there was a NO-Vola! lol!
- At the back of my mind, I did feared running into this problem. The thing is; USB doesn't produce enough power. That is why the restriction on length of USB cable. The only way to increase this length is by using efficient cabling. That is where Cat5e proves its mark. By using Crossed cables we can reduce electromagnetic blah blah blah Losses and stuff and increase the overall efficiency of transmission and thus the distance. Now; I thought about the perfect combination but.. Well.. i ain't that good in electronics lol! - AND then It came to me that I don't NEED to work my head! Google's here! AND I found the Combo I was looking for! :D -
Orange, Orange/white of CAT to Red of USB
White/Green of CAT to White of USB
Green of CAT to Green of USB
Everything else of CAT to Black of USB
and VOLA!
- The guy claims this type of shielding/combo is good for 50m of cabling, as tested and used by him. Guess what, I have 90m of wire available ... but i'd have to loose some blood for it.. lol!
Khair! As the objective goes! I have created 8m of USB for Remote Surveillance! :D - AND I am wishing to go beyond! :D - Till the Door! :D
Please find attached some pictures; video's in the next email..
Syed Tauseen Tariq Ali.
and VOLA!
- The guy claims this type of shielding/combo is good for 50m of cabling, as tested and used by him. Guess what, I have 90m of wire available ... but i'd have to loose some blood for it.. lol!
Khair! As the objective goes! I have created 8m of USB for Remote Surveillance! :D - AND I am wishing to go beyond! :D - Till the Door! :D
Please find attached some pictures; video's in the next email..
Syed Tauseen Tariq Ali.
Weird stuff hun ? :D
btw: Do make sure, that is if you try it out, to solder everything and insulate everything after testing. I haven't got any pictures of my soldering and insulation but.. to get a stable working setup; you'd need that. :)
Cannot really get the videos to work on Blogger.. will figure out a way and upload them.. :)
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